Porcelain Veneers

Same-Day Veneers

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Our same-day dental veneers allow you to come in and get whiter and brighter teeth in just one visit.  You’ll walk in feeling one way about yourself, and walk out feeling so much better.   When you get the natural looking, beautiful smile you’ve been wanting, you will experience a boost in your self-esteem and self-confidence, and it can all happen in just one visit to our office here in Palo Alto.
Same day Dental ...</p><a class= Continue Reading →


Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures For A Beautiful Smile

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Cosmetic Dentist Palo AltoIn addition to your regular visits to our Palo Alto dentist office to help with keeping your teeth clean and healthy, Dr. Hakim also offers cosmetic dentistry services so you can get that beautiful smile you’ve been wanting.

Here are a few of our most popular cosmetic procedures here at Extraordinary Smile that Dr. Hakim may recommend to ...

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